As a practising Urbanist and Architect, Markus Appenzeller operates worldwide with the architecture, urban design and landscape planning company MLA+ he founded.

As an adviser to UNDP and to other public and private organizations, he helps steering complex processes in urban development.

As a Professor for Urban and Rural Planning at the Shenzhen International School of Design, he programs and runs urbanism education and conducts research.

As a Thinker, writer and speaker, he explores urbanism beyond built space.



Not every problem in a city can be solved with design and planning but every problem in a city has a spatial component that can be used to help solving it. 

This is challenging.

As urbanist, business leader and thinker, I navigate this complexity since a long time. 

I am happy to share this experience with you and help you to deal with the problems you are facing.

I can help you navigating.

Unlike many advisers that once worked in their field of expertise but since have not, I am a practising urbanist and architect that experiences the challenges first hand on a daily basis. 

I can help you to become a better city and business leader.

With my up-to-date knowledge in urbanism, education and business practice, I can help you to solve your problems better, more forward-looking, ultimately generating a higher value for you, your clients and the public.

How? Know more here

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