Declaration of the results of the 55th ISOCARP world congress, Jakarta 2019
I was one of the track leaders of the 55th ISOCARP world planning congress in Jakarta 2019. In that role
Following a letter I was co-authoring that raised concerns about the state of affairs in urbanism at TU Delft when it comes to links with practice, I was invited to take part in the discussion about the role of the urbanist today.
In my talk I made the point that the urbanist is many things at the same time, but above all someone who has an overview of the processes and what is missing to make it more successful.
I was one of the track leaders of the 55th ISOCARP world planning congress in Jakarta 2019. In that role
On 05 October 2023 I bid farewell to the role of Head of Urbanism at the Amsterdam Academy of Architecture.
For two years, I worked in a team with great colleagues on a planned city extension for the Greater Accra